Friday, May 29, 2020

Twitter Keyword Targeting How Will It Help Recruiters

Twitter Keyword Targeting How Will It Help Recruiters “Keyword targeting” are the two key words on everyone’s lips at the moment this is of course in part to do with the fact that Twitter has only just recently launched their own keyword targeting marketing feature amid their own platform.  The new feature poses exciting prospects for advertisers and marketers because it allows them to market products and services with loads more relevancy than ever before. In the context of Twitter, keyword targeting means that we will be able to reach users who are using specific keywords and phrases, combine this information with their location, device and even gender, and then send out relevant promoted tweets into their newsfeed. The feature also works to identify the appropriate tweets that users are engaging with. Twitter’s example of how it works: let’s say a user tweets about enjoying the latest album from their favorite band, and it so happens that band is due to play a concert at a local venue. That venue could now run a geotargeted campaign using keywords for that band with a Tweet containing a link to buy the tickets. That way, the user who tweeted about the new album may soon see that Promoted Tweet in their timeline letting them know tickets are for sale in their area. Of course keyword targeting is nothing new and Google have been offering the feature to advertisers for a while now, using the keywords from people’s searches, but for Twitter it’s the next big step in generating ad spend â€" something the social media giant needs as it strives to profit from its massive user base. Keyword targeting and recruitment So as exciting as this concept seems to be for advertisers and marketers who are in quite a frenzy over it, what does it mean for us recruiters? Maybe not alot due to the limited time we have. As a social recruiter I can completely understand this discernment â€" on top of our constant search for great candidates, our relationship building with clients and job posting and placement procedures, we have to find time to build online talent communities, write blogs, organise networking events and of course post tweets and updates ourselves. With the time it would take to set up yet another comprehensive campaign to run with Twitter’s keyword targeting service, I tend to agree that most recruiters will of course understand it, but just  see it as nothing more than a “nice to have”. I also do not think that Twitter will be all that interested in promoting the feature for recruitment anyway. This is because generally recruitment advertising isn’t a big enough spend. Twitter is already having to compete with the likes of Google and Facebook for the attention of big advertisers that are prepared to spend big, so possibly recruitment is just seen as a smaller fish that’s not worth frying.  Of course recruitment advertising across Google, Facebook and LinkedIn is in good stead â€" we use ads across these platforms to great success already because they allow us to target and attract candidates who are unreachable through traditional channels. So if I don’t decide to give Twitter’s keyword targeting a shot myself, I am definitely looking forward to hearing the results and feedback from the recruiters out there who don’t think it’s going to be a waste of time. Like any new social-media ad platform, it’s absolutely worth being trialed and tested. And in this case there are actually great benefits to the feature that we haven’t had access to before â€" location, gender and device. Twitter says: Setting up a campaign to target keywords in the timeline is very similar to the setup process for search. Enter the keywords you want to target, choose whether you want to use phrase match or unordered keyword match, and specify your other targeting options such as geographic location, device and gender. What issues might it pose? Geographic location, device and gender of course the use of these words automatically alerts us to the issue of privacy. Twitter does encourage interaction and engagement, but could our candidates start to feel a little bit spooked if our promoted tweets are too tailored to the things they have been tweeting about? We all remember when Facebook ads first came out and were disturbingly too close to our personal lives. And using keyword targeting to advertise to potential candidates not only risks scaring them off with how much we apparently know about them, but if we tweet at them too much we also run the risk annoying them. Their feeds could potentially already be flooding with other promoted tweets from brands and companies, so to continue to see more impudent tweets about jobs could become exhausting. Perhaps it is in better taste to attract candidates by using the feature to share relevant industry news, information about events or articles of interest. Building our talent pool by being seen as helpful rather than a hindrance. If you have nothing necessary or helpful to tweet, then perhaps don’t tweet at all. Related: When Did Recruiters Become Marketers?

Monday, May 25, 2020

Personal Branding Interview Diane Kennedy - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career

Personal Branding Interview Diane Kennedy - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career Today, I spoke to Diane Kennedy, who is the co-author of Smart Business Stupid Business, and her previous books have been on the Wall Street Journal and BusinessWeek best-selling lists. In this interview, Diane talks about the difference between a smart and a stupid business, mistakes that people make with personal branding, how to leverage a personal brand to create a company, and more. What are the clues that tell you that you have a smart business or a stupid business? The easiest way to tell whether a business is a smart business or a stupid business is simply by applying the test of time. Is the business still around? A stupid business is average. It’s out of business in less than 5 years. That’s the national average. A smart business is a business that was started with the end in mind. There is cash flow when it’s needed and the business continues to build value. The owner has an exit strategy and there are systems in place to allow the business to grow beyond the owner. The business makes money and so does the owner. What are some of the mistakes people with a powerful personal brand make when building their business? A business owner with a powerful personal brand often struggles with creating an identity for the business that is separate from himself. The business becomes so entrenched with who he is and what he does that he can’t let go and allow it to grow. In this case, the business owner can be the biggest challenge to the future of the company. The solution is identifying the ‘why’, ‘what’ and ‘how’ of the business by clearly defining vision, mission and values for the company. Then design and implement systems with the right people on board to grow the company. In this way, the brand of the company complements and grows with the personal brand of the owner. What is one way to effectively leverage a personal brand when building a company? A strong personal brand is identifiable. Customers know what to expect and the business owner can build on that expectation to fulfill their needs and wants. Once a business owner identifies what her business really means and what solution she provides for her customers, she can find additional products and services that complement what her business already does. Questions a business owner should be asking are: What other services do my clients need? What prospects don’t buy from me? How can I refer them somewhere else for help? Understanding the business’s brand and its customer needs means that the business can create multiple streams of income to create more revenue and diversification. That’s a great hedge against a volatile marketplace. What’s the biggest risk to business owners today? Between the economy, changing laws and financially-strapped state and federal governments, there is a lot for a business owner to watch. But the biggest risk is not from any one of those things. The biggest risk to a business is not noticing them. A smart business today needs to be able to adapt and flow. Markets are changing and expanding. Technology provides more options and bigger risk. And through it all, the tax laws are dramatically changing. It’s important to know what’s going on. Business owners need to keep up with current events and how the business could be affected. What does the future look like for the small business owner? In a word: change. The better and quicker a business owner, and a business, can adapt, the better. That means staying current, understanding the market and branding and quickly identifying business trends to correct and expand. It’s an exciting time to be a business owner and it’s a challenging time as well. Diane Kennedy, CPA is the co-author of “Smart Business Stupid Business. She has two Wall Street Journal and BusinessWeek best-selling books. Diane is a practicing CPA with five virtual offices located across the country. She has a number of very active websites with fans around the country. Diane is featured as a tax expert on educational products within Trump University and Robert Kiyosaki’s programs including Rich Dad’s Choose to Be Rich program that has sold hundreds of thousands of copies. Some of Diane’s current book titles include â€" Loopholes of the Rich, The Insider’s Guide to Making Money in Real Estate, The Insider’s Guide to Real Estate Investing Loopholes, The Insider’s Guide to Tax-Free Real Estate Investing and Tax Loopholes for eBay Sellers. Diane draws on her 25+ years of experience as an advisor to some of the nation’s wealthiest business owners and investors to outline, step by step, the strategies and approaches that the rich use to build smart bus inesses as they pay the least amount of tax legally possible.Find out more about nexus and other critical business topics to make your business smarter! You can find Diane at and via twitter @DianeKennedyCPA.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Ways to Increase Creativity When Working With Your Team

Ways to Increase Creativity When Working With Your Team From the beginning of kindergarten until this very day, I cringe every time someone mentions these 2 words: group work.   Maybe it’s the fact that I am an only child or the fact that I like control over some things (okay fine, all things), but I know there isnt anything I hate more than group work.   Whether it’s working on a project in class or trying to come up with new communication flows at work, I prefer working by myself rather than with other people.  I am not alone on this, right? It would make sense that many minds collaborating on a certain project would produce more ideas and creativity than one.   However, research has shown the opposite is true.   Groups tend to be less productive and less creative than do individuals.1   Not only that, groups have the perception that their group interaction improves their performance when it actually impedes their performance.2   These findings result in the difficult and challenging quest for synergy, which is defined as “the interaction of elements that when combined produce a total effect that is greater than the sum of the individual elements, contributions, etc.”3   I’ve come to the realization that group work is inevitable.   There will be a time in everyone’s life where you will have to step up and lead a group of people on a certain project.   Perhaps your occupation already requires overseeing group interaction on a daily basis and you find it challenging to be productive.  If you have surprisingly (or reluctantly) found yourself in this position, read on.   Despite the discouraging research findings on group creativity, there are a few things you can do as a leader and as a member to help stimulate synergy within your group. Brainstorm individually first, then with group. When asking group members to brainstorm, allow them to brainstorm alone first, then have group members come together to discuss.   This eliminates production blocking (having to wait one’s turn to share ideas, which leads to loss of ideas).   Then, have group members brainstorm alone again, and then follow up with another group meeting afterwards. Enforce accountability. Allow group members to hold each other accountable for their contributions to the group to overcome social loafing, evaluation apprehension, and production blocking.4 This is where you get to use your own creativity to come up with some sort of system that allows the tracking of group member’s contributions,5  like using an online log that all group members have access to and check frequently. Dont criticize. Instruct your group not to criticize any contribution that fellow group members offer.   Members should be free to communication their ideas when they arise without fear of being judged or criticized. Add an incentive.   Add an incentive or a competition for your group to perform higher.   People like the idea of working for something in return, even if it’s small.   You can reward high performers with a prize (free lunch, a new office supply, sporting tickets, things of that nature), weekly recognition, etc. Consider working with a team of 8 or more if brainstorming electronically.   The beneficial effects of electronic brainstorming are most evident when groups have 8 or more members.6   Although researchers do not have a clear cut reason why this is, it could be because of increased sense of competition or stimulation effects of a wide range of ideas that result as group size increases. Dont be caught off guard next time youre put in a position to monitor a groups productivity.  It’s important to remember that all groups have the potential to produce synergy.  Apply these suggestions next time you are participating or running a group project.   It can help make your life easier, your group happier, and your work more productive. References Diehl, M., Stroebe, W. (1987). Productivity loss in brainstorming groups: Toward the solution of riddle. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 53, 497-509;  Mullen, B., Johnson, C.,   Salas, E. (1991). Productivity loss in brainstorming groups: a meta-analytic integration. Basic and Applied social Psychology, 12, 3-24. Paulus, P., Dzindolet, M.T., Poletes, G.,   Camancho, L.M. (1993). Perception of performance in group brainstorming: The illusion of group productivity. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 19, 78-89;  Stroebe, W.,  Diehl, M.,   Abakoumkin, G. (1992). The illusion of group effectivity. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 18, 643-650. synergy definition: Paulus, P.B., Coskun, H. (2013). Creativity. Levine, J.M., Group Processes (215-239). New York, NY: Routledge. Paulus, P.B., Larey, T.S., Putman, V.L., Legget, K.L., Roland, E.J. (1996). Social influence processes in computer brainstorming. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 18, 3-14. De Rosa, D.M., Smith, C.L., Hantula, D.A. (2007). The medium matters: Mining the long-promised merit of group interaction in creative idea generation tasks in a meta-analysis of the electronic group brainstorming literature. Computers in Human Behavior, 23, 1549-1581.

Monday, May 18, 2020

4 Essential Pieces of Business Software You Didnt Know You Needed

4 Essential Pieces of Business Software You Didnt Know You Needed The list of software products available to business owners is seemingly endless. Some are relatively straightforward, such as accounting or human resources platforms, while others offer solutions to problems your business may not have. Which of these high-tech tools do you actually need? Cut through the clutter and focus on the following four types of business software, each with the potential to add true value to your company. Cloud Access Security Broker Many aspects of your business integrate with the cloud. Now consider how much trust that requires you to put in the companies and services that make up the cloud and interact with those critical pieces of your business every day. A cloud access security broker works as a  gatekeeper between you and the many applications, infrastructures, and workloads run on the public cloud. It essentially allows you to defend your virtual borders, enforcing data security and other compliance standards, protecting you from internal and external threats, and providing critical visibility into user activity. Managed Service Provider Every business depends on technology. That point is never clearer than when something goes wrong with your network or IT infrastructure.  Managed service provider (MSP) software  keeps those systems running smoothly, proactively resolving issues and alerting you to potential problems before they become critical. Think of this software as an alternative to an internal IT department. The provider you work with takes care of training, compliance, and advancing technologies, while your employees focus on innovating for your core business. Customer Service In the age of social media, one unhappy customer can broadcast his or her feelings to a massive audience, turning a simple misunderstanding into a big public relations problem.  Customer service software  allows you to easily identify which issues are driving customers to reach out and how they are most likely to contact you. From this point, you can make smart choices that benefit both your customers and your bottom line. For example, by creating a self-service portal with answers to common questions, youll cut down on the number of contacts you receive and make life easier for your customers. Youll leave them feeling good about their experiences with your company. Customer Relations Management Many customer relations management platforms include customer service components, but the goal of  CRM software  is to take your businesss customer engagement to a new level. These tools collect detailed information about your customers and help you leverage that information to drive repeat business and convert new prospects. Your marketing team can extract data on specific customer segments to build a highly targeted campaign. Your sales team can identify the most promising leads for a particular product based on their purchase histories. Your customer service team can tell you when a critical issue began and which customers have been affected. CRM software gives everyone in your business access to your most current and valuable customer information. When making decisions about business software, always go back to your companys core needs. Think not only about where you are today, but also how you plan to grow your business in the coming years. Choose software that does double duty, helping you reach your short-term goals and helping you see a clear path toward where you want to go in the future. . Main image credit.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

The most productive country in the worlds secret to efficiency - Debut

The most productive country in the worlds secret to efficiency - Debut The most productive countries in the world The start of the new year almost inevitably sparks hundreds of discussions surrounding work and productivity. After all, we guilt ourselves into atoning for our Christmas sloth and gluttony, and try to shake off the sluggishness of the year we bade farewell to. It may be tempting to commit yourself to a few long nights at work in January. However, latest research has revealed that working longer hours doesnt necessarily result in increased productivity. Data from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has drawn a direct correlation between shorter working hours and higher productivity. Lets take a closer look: The most productive countries in the world The study, conducted in 2015, measured productivity by dividing each countrys GDP by the average number of hours worked annually by all working citizens. The variable  hours worked include both full-time and part-time workers, but excludes holidays and vacation time. Full Results [table 3 not found /] What we learn Lets take a look at the top ten most productive countries in the world. Topping the list is the fairly small European country of Luxembourg, whose GDP per hour worked is $93.4. The biggest surprise? The average worker only has a 29 hour work week. No other country in the top ten works more than 34 hours a week (workers in the United States work around 33.6 hours, the highest number in the top ten.) So is the secret to higher productivity *gasp* working less?   In contrast, the least productive country on the list in 35th place, Mexico, has a 41.2 hour average work week, with a GDP per hour of $20.3. Of course, we have to take this all with a generous pinch of salt. There is so much more to consider cultural differences in the workplace, socio-economic context, the number of jobs available in the country and the level of literacy. Its definitely a worthwhile exercise to think about the  quality of work over the  quantity.  However, a countrys productivity is a very different thing to measure than ones own. Just some food for thought. Feature image via Unsplash Download the Debut app and  get Talent-Spotted by amazing graduate employers! Connect with Debut on Facebook and Twitter

Monday, May 11, 2020

How To Be Impressive Before, During and After Your Interview - CareerAlley

How To Be Impressive Before, During and After Your Interview - CareerAlley We may receive compensation when you click on links to products from our partners. Arguably the only thing more exhausting than working a full time job is the process of trying to land one. If youve been through the process, you know that the job hunt proves to be tiresome and sometimes self-defeating (with just a splash of the overwhelming urge to give up). We hear your frustrations, and more important, were here to share the steps that can help. While an actual job interview runs around 30 minutes (depending on how many interviewers you will see), there are things that you can do to help ensure that you get a job offer. Whats more, if youre spending your interviews politely folding your hands and nodding you head, youre wasting precious time! Truth be told, every job opportunity packs some serious potential before, during and after your interview. Read on to discover the necessary steps that will turn your job-hunt into a job-conquer. To practice for the assessment tests youll face as part of the interview process, go to JobTestPrep Before: Research Like Your Job Depends on It Before you sit in an interview chair, spend some time gaining some valuable background information. Youll collect this information by researching the company (an hour on your laptop should do the trick). Take a look at6 Job Search Mistakes You Dont Want to Makeas well as Job Interview Prep. Research the company itself- through its website and social media streams try to get a feel for its mission, passion and future plans. Also, check up on the CEO (and the other powerhouses you might one day call Boss) see if you can read feature articles/interviews and LinkedIn pages to get a feel for the types of attitudes and company culture thats being promoted. Regardless of industry, almost every interview begs the question: why do you want to work here? In addition to being prepared to discuss your qualifications for the specific job at hand, utilize your research to show off your fit in the company. Comments like, I really appreciate how your company culture seems to value X and Y, or, I read an interview with your CEO and he said something that stuck with me will show off, not only your preparedness, but also your likeliness to fit right in as a part of his/her unique team. During: Be Present and Proactive It goes without saying that you should be dressed to impress the day of your interview, but dont just stop at a nice button-down. Be sure to keep your posture and eye contact in check. Try to smile and nod your head as your interviewer is talking as a way to show physically that youre keeping up as an active participant. In addition to having a firm handshake, have in your hand some prepared questions for the later half of your interview. When deciding what type of questions to draft up imagine that you already have the job, what type of questions would you likely tackle on day one? Inquires about the positions current procedures, gauging past success and immediate goals/plans for the future will show off your proactive sensibility. Appreciate the added bonus: conversations that dive right into the nuts and bolts of what is needed from the person who takes this position will cause your interviewer to picture you (even if only momentarily) as the position holder. After: Give Thanks and Examples After an interview, be sure to thank whoever interviewed you for his/ her time. Upon exit you can take off that sports jacket but dont get too relaxed because when you get home you still have one last necessary professional step to take. Craft an email that is both short and sweet, once again thanking him/her for their timethen, add an attachment. Make a plan to blow past the rest of your competition with your final extra step. Attach to your email a plan of action for the job at hand. Utilize all of the insight you gained during the interview and from your answered questions as a final way to communicate that you are the right person for the job. Detail what you consider to be the most pressing issues, what plans youd put in place and how youd drive the kind of results the company wants to see. Again, just like your initial research this shouldnt take you longer than an hour to do, but its the little added touch that could turn you from applicant to employee. What other ways can you take an interviewers breath away? Book Corner [easyazon_link asin=1500605158 locale=US new_window=default nofollow=default tag=caree07-20 add_to_cart=default cloaking=default localization=default popups=default]What I Wish EVERY Job Candidate Knew: 15 Minutes to a Better Interview[/easyazon_link] To practice for the assessment tests youll face as part of the interview process, go to JobTestPrep We are always eager to hear from our readers. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or suggestions regarding CareerAlley content. Good luck in your search,Joey Google+

Friday, May 8, 2020

The Best Resume Writing Services

The Best Resume Writing ServicesIf you are planning to search for the best resume writing services in Washington DC then you should know that there are many agencies who offer their services through the internet and their websites. You can also easily hire resume writers through their websites.You can also hire resume writers on a temporary basis. However, when it comes to hiring people for this kind of work you should always take the services of a professional and experienced resume writer.If you are applying for any kind of job you have to make sure that your resumes need to be unique and professional looking. There are many tips and tricks that help you in developing your resumes. You should never let your resumes get different and new, otherwise your chances of getting hired will get reduced dramatically.Your resumes need to be professional and not simple. If you want to look for the best resume writing services in DC you can use the internet to find them. There are many resume w riting services in Washington DC which provides freelance writing jobs in a cost effective manner. So, if you want to hire the best resume writer then you can use these services.The main reason why you should choose the best resume writers is because you need to create professional looking resumes. If you do not know how to create a resume then you can hire the best resume writer. You can also hire the best resume writer without spending much money because there are many websites that offer these services.You can also use online tools to find the best resume writers. You just need to know the professional CV writer by searching the internet. Once you get the best CV writer, you can contact him and start the process of making your resume professional. This is the reason why you should always make sure that you hire the best CV writer.Resume writers should always have the necessary expertise and knowledge about resume writing. In order to hire the best resume writer you should first m ake sure that you are hiring the professional. Once you have hired the best resume writer, you can start the process of creating your resumes.Once you have hired the best resume writer, you can look for his samples which are easy to understand and follow. These samples are easy to read and follow. You can also hire these resumes writers online and work on your resume in the comfort of your home.